• July 2024

    Festival Brings People Together for Fun and Worship

    Simon Cassar was praying in the middle of the night four years ago when he had an inspiration.“What is true love?” he wondered. “Can we show that true love amongst ourselves? How do we show it?”The answer came as a joyful festival bringing together 16 churches in an Aptos park to spread love, culture, fun and caring. “The whole purpose is we see a world that’s kind of torn apart,” says Cassar, 66, a retired aviation engineer who has six kids. “We have different neighbors trying to destroy other people. We are just seeing a world that’s being torn apart because of Covid. Half the country is one way and…

  • February 2024

    Joaquin Is a Warrior And So Are His Fans

    Joaquin Aluffi was just shy of his fifth birthday when he had a major allergic reaction playing in the grass. His lungs shut down and his throat swelled and he was rushed to the emergency room. After doing tests and finding hugely high protein counts later at Stanford, doctors found he had Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy, a terminal disease with a life expectancy of 16-24 years old. A happy, sports-minded, adventurous kid, Joaquin began to be robbed by the disease of his ability to walk and ride a bike. Over time for its victims, the disease strips their ability to smile or wave a hand. But it hasn’t robbed him of…

  • April 2021

    Cabrillo Extension Youth Camps

    Cabrillo Extension Youth Program Returns Popular Youth Summer Camps Will Open for Registration April 1st Resuming the Cabrillo Extension Summer Youth Program is another important part of the College’s commitment to help meet the community’s needs. This summer, Cabrillo Extension will again be offering its dynamic Summer Youth Camps program. They will continue with many successful virtual camps, and are working with instructors and local partner organizations to bring back the most popular camps for in-person on-campus learning. Current planning includes in-person camps including Cabrillo Athletics sports camps like basketball, baseball, soccer and volleyball. Kuumbwa Jazz, Seafloor Science ROV, and PlayWell TEKnologies’ LEGO Engineering are also being planned. In addition,…

  • March 2021

    Skate Star Marco Chavez

    Some Words with Skate Star and GUISC Cover Shot Marco Chavez By Kevin Painchaud | PHOTOS BY KEVIN PAINCHAUD RETURN OF SKATEBOARDING | SKATE PARKS | SKATE SHOPS KP: Hey Marco, mind if I ask you some questions?MC: Sure, go aheadKP: What’s your name and age?MC: My name is Marco Chavez, I’m 16 years old and I go to Santa Cruz High.KP: When did you start skating?MC: I started skating when I was 9.  I would skate at Scotts Valley Skate Park.KP: Are your parents supportive of you skating?MC: My parents are very supportive. Both my parents skate with me. My dad takes me skating every day after school and…