May is the month we celebrate mothers. Women who give selflessly to those around them. A mother is not always the one who gave birth to you; she may be your aunt, guardian, or friend. She may live next door, across the country, or be watching over you from beyond this world. We celebrate a mother’s unconditional love, her ability to be somewhere/someone safe when we are scared, and our cheerleader through life—cheers to all of the women out there wearing their heart outside of their body.
Dear Mom,
I appreciate the incredible Mom you’ve been for 37 years now. It all began with a heartfelt tune you sang to me as a child “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray…” Thank you for being a powerful instrumental woman in my life. You taught me how to be independent, responsible, honest, integral, and loyal. Now that I’m a Mom I understand how much energy, time, and dedication it takes to be there for your child and make them your main priority. When looking back, I appreciate you making a home where we had everything we needed and could feel warm and safe in your arms as kids. You’ve taught me the importance of my values and sticking with them. I’m proud and grateful at what an amazing Grandma you’re in our lives. You’re thoughtful, caring, and a giver of boundless love. Thank you for giving me the space to grow and independence to make mistakes but still being there to help me up when I fall, and to look at it as a teaching point. You’re my best friend and my confidant. Thank you for being with me and Sydney for every goal accomplished and taking part in all life’s celebrations. I’m strong because of you and the examples you set. Having you in my life means the world to me and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. During dark times you’re the light that helps me navigate and keep moving. As it all began and now, “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey…” Happy Mother’s day, Mommy Sunshine. I hope you know how important you’re to us today and always. I love you.
SunShine xoxo
To the most selfless person we know. To the one that worked all night to be with us us all day. To the one that kept a smile on her face no matter the situation. To the one that worked hard to put dinner on the table every night. To the one that never missed an event. To the one that loves unconditionally. To the one that taught us to always be kind. To the one that laid down a foundation and gave us the life skills to grow and become our own. To the strongest woman we know. To the warrior woman we are luckily enough to call Mama.
Happy Mother’s Day Mama, we love you.
Britt & J
Dear Mom
You more than fulfilled your motherly role of raising me and showing me how to love and be love in this world. God wanted you home early and I may never understand why, but I owe the rest of my life to you for your loving guidance in my life. I hope you can see the wonderful man I found, the beautiful children he’s given me, and I hope you see, that even though I don’t have you in the flesh, God has given me another to fulfill that motherly role in this time, and she does an amazing job! To my wonderful mother in law Joanne,
I thank for the amazing man my husband is and the loving father he is to my children. He betters my life because of the love and care you raised him with. Most people are blessed with one mother in their lives, I have been blessed with two. You’ve accepted me and my children into your family with open arms and you didn’t have to, you did it because you’re such a genuinely loving and other centered person. It takes a strong woman to be a great mother to her children, but it takes an even greater woman to fulfill that role willingly, for people who are not of her own. I thank you so much for being an amazing Mother, Grandma, Mother-in-law and person. I am blessed beyond most to have you in my life.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Dear mommy,
How are you doing? Stressed? I just wanted to send some love during this time. I always know how much you did for our family. But this quarantine has made me appreciate you so much more. You deal with constant nagging by the kids and even more from my lazy butt when I get home. I don’t know how you don’t blow your top more often. According to you I’ve been helping out around the house. Mom, I’ve been doing the least. Especially compared to you. You don’t realize because you are so kind. You don’t ever need to repay me for anything I’ve been doing, I’m the one who should be paying my gratitude. Mom you are so incredibly humble and great in every aspect. I love spending time with you. Even though we don’t get that much time alone anymore I cherish every moment with you. My favorite thing to do with you is sit down and search for old music we used to listen to. And belt it at the top of our lungs. I love when you have a random memory and share it at any given moment. You’re filled with stories and interesting memories. You are so amazing and I hope I will end up like you when I am older. You have raised me so well and I am so grateful for everything you have taught me. I love you so much. Keep doing what you’re doing because you are absolutely amazing.
(your daughter) Ava
What My Mom Means to Me
By Ania Sinnott
My mom is one of my BIGGEST role models. I want to be just like her when I’m older. She is the best mom in the world! She is sweet, kind, beautiful, smart, caring, and amazing! She is always making everything fun. She is a single mom, she has to work, help us with school, take willow to school, feed us, and do many more things that mom’s do. My little sister willow is almost 2 and keeps my mom up all night and still is as happy as she can be even when she can’t get as much sleep. Some nights when I cry and don’t know why she sits with me and comforts me. She dosent have to do that but she chooses to. One day I said I wanted to redo my room and right away she said ¨okay let’s go to Target and get you some stuff.¨ I know it’s such a little thing but it means a lot. I don’t have 2 mom’s but my friend Jordan’s Mom (Shireen) is like a mom to me. She treats me like I’m her daughter. Shireen is always there for me and I consider her apaart of my family that’s how much I care about her. I wanna thank my mom and shireen for being so nice and making me the person I am today. I love you guys!
To My Heavenly Mama-
As I approach this Mother’s Day, the 5th one where we can’t be together in the flesh, I am filled with emotion as I prepare myself for my first Mother’s Day expecting a new baby. Our traditions surrounding this day, garden shopping and eating chocolate covered strawberries and appreciating all the beauty in bloom in springtime, I am looking forward to creating new traditions with my son.
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, and miss you, and wish that we could be together. There are so many things I would ask you as I prepare myself for the journey of motherhood, and all the joy that comes along with it. You truly are all the best things about me, and I am forever so thankful to have had you as my teacher in life. I will do my best to teach my children about loving unconditionally, participating with a full heart in the community, and being there for others whenever possible.
Mama, I love you so much. I have never been prouder to be your daughter. I hope that as you watch over me and protect me in this next stage of life, you are proud of the woman I have become, and will continue to guide my heart in the best ways you know how. I will celebrate you this Mother’s Day, and every day, for as long as I am on this earth.
With my whole heart for my whole life,