• Best Of

    Best of 2024

    We asked you to share your favorite places to take your kids and places you enjoy as a family. We wanted to know what businesses you consider the Best in Santa Cruz, and man, did you ever respond! Thanks to everyone who answered our survey. Camps Day Camp  Kennolyn Day Camps kennolyncamps.com Runner up Redwood Music Kid Camp (Community Music School) Redwood Music Kid Camp CommunityMusicSchool.org Young musicians explore Celtic music at this two-week day camp for ages 7-13. For players of violin, flute, penny whistle, recorder, harp, guitar, ukulele, keyboards, and cello. Students practice in instrument-specific groups, and with the entire ensemble. Camp begins July 22 in Scotts Valley.…

  • July 2024

    Thanks to Everyone Who Came By and Said Hello During Kids Day

    We had a great time during the Kids Day Downtown event on June 22. Everyone had a fun time and we enjoyed seeing all the smiling faces. Thanks to everyone for coming by the Growing Up in Santa Cruz booth. In this issue, don’t miss our annual Best Of awards as voted by our readers. Thanks for reading,Brad Kava,Editor and Publisher

  • July 2024

    Creating Summer Routines

    Let’s face it, summer is the time of year where kids are out of school, vacation mode is turned on and we become notorious for losing track of routines and rituals. Part of this is great, especially if you’re sitting on a beach enjoying a vacation. However there are still things that every mom or dad will have to take care of – work, or planning the daily meals. It can end up feeling more stressful at times, because many of us are still juggling while our kids are off. Leading to, yep, you guessed it..summer feeling like MORE work! Not to mention, summer comes and goes quick — often…

  • July 2024

    Exploring Equity Grading

    As education evolves, so too does the way we assess student performance. One such evolution is equity grading, a concept sparking debate among educators and parents alike. What exactly is equity grading, and should it raise concerns? Over the past century, grading systems have morphed from the absence of grades to the conventional A-F scale. In today’s educational landscape, where grades wield considerable influence in high-stakes college admissions, the assessment of student learning methods holds paramount importanceEquity grading, the latest trend, shifts focus from traditional letter grades to assessing students’ mastery of specific skills or standards. This approach attempts to provide a more accurate depiction of students’ understanding by emphasizing…

  • July 2024

    Technology Helps Level the Playing Field for Those with Disabilities

    As Tom Wlodkowski walked through San Francisco Airport on his way to a conference, people frequently approached him, asking if he needed help. Blind since birth and using a cane, he continued navigating the complex maze of the airport, a challenge even for someone with sight, while declining offers of assistance. “No, thanks,” he told them. “I’ve got it.” His tool was an iPhone, on which other sighted people were looking at the maze and guiding him step by step. “Technology has been the great equalizer,” he said in an interview. “The iPhone has been a great invention for us.” Wlodkowski is a huge inspiration at Comcast. As the vice…

  • July 2024

    Breastfeeding Support for All

    August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. World Breastfeeding Week is August 1-7, with the theme, Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All. Mark your calendars now, to participate in upcoming activities next month. Recognition for Employers – Just thinking about leaving a little one to go back to work can be hard for many nursing mothers. Employers can play a critical role in easing the transition by encouraging breastfeeding through appropriate lactation accommodations. Knowing there are resources, as well as support for pumping at the workplace can help lessen the stress around returning to work. All California workers are entitled to breaktime and a designated space to express their milk…

  • July 2024

    The Anger Wheel of Choice

    Another great Positive Discipline tool to keep in your parenting “toolbox” is the Anger Wheel of Choice. The book Sophia’s Anger Wheel is a wonderful story to help teach kids about appropriate ways of expressing anger. This book can be ordered here: positivediscipline.com/products/sophias-anger-wheel-choice All emotions are okay, not just pleasant/positive emotions. It’s very important to talk about ALL emotions with children so they can start to identify their own emotions as they come and go. I found it helpful to have a feelings/emotions chart up in the house when my kids were little with real pictures of childrens’ faces (not just cartoon images) so we could point to how we…

  • July 2024

    Kids and Allowance

    Learning a new skill takes practice. For instance, if you want to teach a child how to ride a bike, they will need a bike to practice on. The same is true of money skills. If you want your child to learn how to save money and spend it wisely, giving them an allowance will help them practice.Here are some ideas to help you and your child get the most out of their allowance. Timing is everythingWhen your child starts to understand the concept of money and its purchasing power (usually around age 5 or 6), it might be a good time to consider introducing an allowance. If they can’t…

  • July 2024

    Festival Brings People Together for Fun and Worship

    Simon Cassar was praying in the middle of the night four years ago when he had an inspiration.“What is true love?” he wondered. “Can we show that true love amongst ourselves? How do we show it?”The answer came as a joyful festival bringing together 16 churches in an Aptos park to spread love, culture, fun and caring. “The whole purpose is we see a world that’s kind of torn apart,” says Cassar, 66, a retired aviation engineer who has six kids. “We have different neighbors trying to destroy other people. We are just seeing a world that’s being torn apart because of Covid. Half the country is one way and…

  • July 2024

    Secrets to Building Relationships with Your Grandchildren

    Being a grandparent is a unique and precious role. It’s a chance to influence young lives, share wisdom, and create lasting memories. As grandparents, we have the opportunity to connect with our grandchildren on a deeper level and instill values that can guide them throughout their lives. Here are five secrets to building the best relationship with your grandchildren, drawn from personal experience and timeless principles. Cultivate a Love of LearningOne of the most impactful ways to bond with your grandchildren is by fostering their curiosity and love of learning. Instead of asking the usual “How was your day?” try something more engaging and thought-provoking. For instance, when I picked…

  • July 2024

    Making the Most of Summer Schedules

    Dear Yesenia,My four and seven year old are so excited that school is out for the summer. I’m also glad to have a break from the daily school schedule. However, I work full-time, so my kids have to go to day camps or child care. They usually have fun the first few weeks of summer “vacation,” but then they complain about having to go somewhere every day. It’s stressful, but I don’t feel comfortable leaving them home alone, and I don’t have time to arrange a summer full of play dates. What can I do to minimize their complaints and still make summer fun for them? –  Sofia   Dear…

  • July 2024

    Hiking at Arana Gulch

    Feeling stress in our Santa Cruz paradise? Is your apartment so small that when you bend over in your bedroom you turn on your kitchen stove with your ass? Philosopher Frederick Gros says, “…the body on a walk rests in contemplation of wide-open spaces”, and you can find wide open spaces right here in our ever more congested town. Arana Gulch seems to be serotonin to the Santa Cruzan soul; under a giant oak I met two artists who had set up their easels to paint the golden meadow that dominates the preserve. One of the women said, “We’re playing Dueling Watercolors,” and then they pretended to fence with their…

  • June 2024

    Teen Artes Exhibit Showcases Local Talent

    A new exhibit by local high school students in the Teen Artes program, under the umbrella of Pajaro Valley Arts, opened in May in the PV Arts Porter Building on Main Street. The show features mixed media, paintings, collage, ceramic sculpture and other mediums by four students from Watsonville, Aptos and St. Francis High schools as well as alumni, and teaching artists.It was curated by Teen Artes participants in 2023-2024 with the help of local artist Josefina Rocha.Teen Artes participants in the 2023/24 school year spent the year learning from professional teaching artists and their mediums and created works of art that have inspired them to further develop their artistic…

  • June 2024

    Want Free Childcare in Your Home?

    If you’ve got a toddler or preschooler, finding quality childcare is probably an ongoing concern. Today, millennials spend more time with their children than any previous generation, and with their flexible work schedules, they need childcare that works for them. When I was in your shoes (many moons ago), I stressed out about how to give my girls an enriching experience while I worked during the day. I didn’t want them to sit in front of a TV, and today, I wouldn’t want them to be glued to a smartphone. After checking out preschools and daycare programs to no avail, I set up childcare in my home so I could…

  • June 2024

    A Triumph of Potential: From Overlooked Youth to Rising Stars

    As the bright lights illuminated the Santa Cruz TEDx stage, Alex and Martín stood side-by-side with me, their presence commanding the audience’s attention. These two young men from Santa Cruz County are a living embodiment of the life-changing power of believing in hidden talent. For Alex, the journey began years earlier on a court at the YMCA where I was coaching basketball. I love sports and volunteered to coach the team that no one else wanted – a crew of eight boys, including Alex. We didn’t win a single game. People would make fun of our losing streaks. To lift my team’s spirits, I reached out to the Golden State…

  • June 2024

    Driving to School in a Fire Engine

    Every year I try to bid on something at the Rio del Mar Elementary School charity auction, but I’ve never been able to afford the big ticket items. One year we got outbid on Giants tickets that went for $300 and ended up with a knitted octopus for $25. This year, however, I promised myself I’d make my 8-year-old son’s dream come true: he wanted to be driven to school in a fire truck. In past years it was one of the most popular items in the live auction and I’m not rich. But you know, they serve free drinks at these events and the alcohol loosens wallets. And you…

  • June 2024

    2024 Educator of the Year Award Recipients Honored

    The Santa Cruz County Office of Education (Santa Cruz COE) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Santa Cruz County Educator of the Year Awards, which recognize exceptional educators from across Santa Cruz County who embody the values of our school community. Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Faris Sabbah and the Santa Cruz County Board of Education recognized this year’s award recipients at the County Board of Education meeting on May 16.“Each of these outstanding honorees has shown unwavering dedication and support for students’ success, both in and out of the classroom,” said Sabbah. “It is a privilege to recognize these exemplary educators and partners whose…

  • June 2024

    Mount Madonna Class of 2024 Gets Ready to Fly

    Mount Madonna School is pleased to announce Ona Musoll-Buendia as the 20243 valedictorian and Anya Gonzalez and Emma Monclus as co-salutatorians. These students earned this distinction through hard work and focused effort, edging out their peers at the Central Coast school known for strong academics, environmental education, learning journeys, performing arts and scholar athletes. The 2024 high school graduation ceremony will be held at the school’s upper campus June 13 at 10:30am. “The graduating class is comprised of academically strong, talented and creative students who are ethically minded,” commented Head of School Ann Goewert. “I am proud of Ona Musoll-Buendia, valedictorian, and Anya Gonzalez and Emma Monclus, co-salutatorians, for their…

  • June 2024

    What Fuels Misbehavior?

    Imagine an iceberg. On top floats a small amount of ice but below, a whole lot is going on that is unseen. In Positive Discipline classes, you will hear the phrases, “behavior has a purpose” and “behavior is a form of communication.” That unseen ice below the surface is their interpretation of a situation that produces anger, jealousy, or disappointment in your child’s heart. You will be aware of the challenging behaviors, but not always aware of those submerged feelings and hurts you don’t see in your child that are fueling this behavior.There is a purpose to all that children do; they are communicating, although usually in immature ways, but…

  • June 2024

    Summer Fun On a Budget

    Keeping the kids entertained while on summer break can be an expensive endeavor. Registrations for summer camps, daycare, and recreation programs are only the tip of the iceberg. You also need to consider transportation costs to and from these programs you don’t normally attend during the school year. However, summer break doesn’t have to break your budget. You can still take some quality family time and you can do it all on a dime. Here are some great ideas to keep your children entertained while you are at work, and some fun family activities, all of which are economical or free! Camp out in your yard If you can’t take…