Growing Up in Santa Cruz

  • March 2021

    Santa Cruz County Skateparks

    by Hugh McCormick COVER STORY | RETURN OF SKATEBOARDING | SKATE SHOPS Jim Keefe Skate Park (Formerly Highland Skate Park)8500 Highway 9 Ben Lomond9AM-SunsetA lil’ bit in the boonies, tucked in a shady area off of Highway 9 past Scotts Valley, Jim Keefe Skate Park (formerly Highland Skate Park) is a well-balanced skate land for intermediate and advanced riders. At the end of the day, it’s really about the park’s bowl. That’s why many skaters choose to spurn always-crowded spots like Skypark and take the meandering drive to the 8,500 square foot concrete structure. Jim Keefe is rarely crowded so you’re sure to have first crack at the bowl and…

  • March 2021

    Skate Star Marco Chavez

    Some Words with Skate Star and GUISC Cover Shot Marco Chavez By Kevin Painchaud | PHOTOS BY KEVIN PAINCHAUD RETURN OF SKATEBOARDING | SKATE PARKS | SKATE SHOPS KP: Hey Marco, mind if I ask you some questions?MC: Sure, go aheadKP: What’s your name and age?MC: My name is Marco Chavez, I’m 16 years old and I go to Santa Cruz High.KP: When did you start skating?MC: I started skating when I was 9.  I would skate at Scotts Valley Skate Park.KP: Are your parents supportive of you skating?MC: My parents are very supportive. Both my parents skate with me. My dad takes me skating every day after school and…

  • March 2021,  Uncategorized

    The Surprise Return of Skateboarding

    by Hugh McCormicK Skating is now considered cool. Nope, not that countercultural, subversive, slightly dangerous, punk-rock cool. Just cool. Everyone wants to be, or at least look like a skater. COVER STORY | SKATE PARKS | SKATE SHOPS Rocking a black and yellow Huff sweatshirt, a well-loved pair of Levi’s, and a sweet pair of Nike SB’s, 38-year-old Ralph Mendoza rings up (and talks up) a steady stream of customers on a wet and windy Saturday afternoon. Laughter echoes off the board-covered-walls of Santa Cruz’s iconic skating emporium, Bill’s Wheels. Throngs of groms (lil’ skaters) peruse racks of carefully curated textiles and ogle over the shop’s brilliant rainbow of wheels,…

  • March 2021

    March 2021 Teacher of the Month

    Ashley Gibson Cabrillo COllege Cabrillo College student Amanda Hampson nominated our March Teacher of the month in the following letter: I want to nominate my teacher Ashley Gipson. Ashley Gibson is a teacher at Cabrillo College and teaches several classes for the accelerated medical assisting program. She’s made this difficult time more manageable with her patience, understanding, and willingness to listen to any problems. She makes understanding the class material easier and explains everything in a way everyone can understand. When I was struggling with my mental health, she got me the resources I needed to get help, and because of that, I’m able to continue my path to the…

  • March 2021,  Uncategorized

    WiFi 101

    WiFi 101 BY Luigi Oppido As time has gone by, the need for WiFi has become greater and greater, and the protocols have followed this need by becoming faster and faster. All these digital devices we use in 2021 need a connection of some type. Your experience is only as good as your connection, and that comes from either a cellular data connection coming from a tower-based somewhere in your town or it comes locally from your local Internet connection. That local connection we fondly call WiFi. WiFi service is broadcasted a number of different ways from those little antenna coming out of your router. As time has gone by,…