December 2023

Moment of Gratitude

Wishing you a very healthy and happy holiday season. I want to take a moment of GRATITUDE and Thank you for reading my column this year, I hope you have implemented some of the self-care tips I’ve shared. My goal is to raise awareness to self-care starting in our home.

As we get into the moments with family, holiday hustle and all things seasonal – this is a great time for reflection. One of my biggest tips for enhancing wellness is through a gratitude practice.

But first, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that there are times where you may find it difficult to harness a gratitude practice. Pain, suffering. Tough times, it can all make the idea of a gratitude practice seem very difficult, yet that is when it is needed most.

Having gratitude is NOT meant to be easy. However, it is a practice you can implement daily that will inevitably change your life.

Gratitude in and of itself is a frame of mind and you must raise your awareness to it if you want to harness it. You have to consciously say YES to this practice and like building muscle, the more reps you put in, the more gratitude you will have.

Here are a few ways you can harvest your gratitude practice now:
REFLECT with growth in mind. How has this year shaped you as a parent? What challenges or obstacles have you overcome? Just by raising awareness to your growth is a form of gratitude. How can you reframe these tough times in your life to see the value in them?

Get your family involved. At dinner or in the morning, as a family in my house we share something we feel grateful for. Or we do a “rose + thorn” practice – sharing something that we are thankful for and something that was hard for us and we honor both with gratitude. There was a recent study at Stanford University that shared gratitude is linked to better health and lowering stress. (link below for article) Be intentional with your energy and make a point to celebrate life with your family in a way that feels good – not just because you feel pressured.

Create your own traditions and if you feel up to it, give back. There are many people struggling this season and maybe you make part of your family gratitude practice is to bring your love to others. Spreading cheer is another form of giving thanks.

RADICAL ACCEPTANCE. So much of life is out of our control. The choices we make, reactions or ways we respond to life is what makes the difference. Although times may be difficult, finding a practice in cultivating radical acceptance and being grateful for what you have vs what you don’t.

This holiday season try to take space to embrace the tiny beautiful moments in your day – maybe a laugh with a loved one, or the scent of a beautiful pine tree – gratitude comes in all sizes and shapes. Try raising more awareness to the small gifts in your life.

For many of us the holidays are full of love and cheer, also for many they are stressful and difficult – either way, harnessing a daily gratitude practice will support your overall well-being. It is also helpful in getting a head start on our self-care for the new year. 2024 is just around the corner and I will take some time in these final 2 months to reflect and hold gratitude for the miracles, as well as the mundane moments in life.
For what we perceive is what we believe. Share your gratitude practice with us at growing up santa cruz instagram

By Jaime McFaden

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