Growing Up in Santa Cruz

Children’s Phone Use Isn’t Always Harmful, Despite Beliefs

The first thing my 8-year-old son does in the morning is go to the Duolingo website on his iPhone to study Spanish. The last thing he does at night is play eight games of Word...

Santa Cruz County Youth Poet Laureate Announced

Santa Cruz County’s first ever Youth Poet Laureate honor was given to Dina Lusztig Noyes at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center in Santa Cruz, CA. SC County Youth Poet Laureate finalists include Gregory Souza, Simon Ellefson...

Trick Your Family Into Spring Cleaning!

Okay, I know this sounds impossible, but I actually got my kids (and husband!) to VOLUNTEER to spring clean my house! No, I didn’t bribe them, or threaten them.   So here’s how I did it: I...

College Degree Not Always Needed for High Paying Tech Jobs

Someone once told Tracye Mingo, “Don’t get mad when you are underestimated. Be glad. Because they will never see you coming.” That person was her father and number one mentor. Tracye carried those words throughout...

Overcoming Tragedy By Helping Others

Mother’s Day is about celebrating the sacrifices in which moms throughout the community make every day for their children. Few parents have made more sacrifices than 40-year-old Amy Ramsey, who, in April 2020, lost her...

Rhogam: The Miracle Shot

A pregnant person might not know their exact blood type, but they’ll usually know if it’s the kind that needs “the shot.” Calling it “the shot” doesn’t really convey the amazing protection offered against Rh...

Summer Reading Program Sparks Imagination and Creativity

Santa Cruz Public Libraries is excited to kick off summer with the 2024 Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme is Read, Renew, Repeat! This conservation message invites participants to reduce consumption, reuse materials, and take...

Family Meetings Can Be Meaningful and Fun

Have you ever run a business, led an event team, or organized a group of people with a common goal? If you experienced success, you probably shared ideas, problems were given time to be resolved...

How Do I Prepare My Teen for His or Her First Job?

Q: My teen started looking for their first official job and, as their parent, I’d love to help them through this process. How can I prepare my teen for their first job? A: You sound...

Mock Trial Competition Teaches Teens About Justice

This year, a group of teenagers was tasked with bringing justice following the death of Kieran Sunshine, a biomedical executive found with apparent stab wounds in a hotel room as it began to emerge the...

Grandparenting Outside the Box

Before my granddaughter was born, I had a sense about what kind of grandmother I would be. I may have underestimated how obsessed I would be with her, but other than that, I am the...

A Tribute to Motherhood: The Heroes of Everyday Life

Let’s be real. Motherhood is a lot. A lot of love and a lot of juggling. A lot of joy and a lot of messes in the kitchen. From pregnancy to 24/7 caring for our...