Growing Up in Santa Cruz

Thanks to Everyone Who Came By and Said Hello During Kids Day

We had a great time during the Kids Day Downtown event on June 22. Everyone had a fun time and we enjoyed seeing all the smiling faces. Thanks to everyone for coming by the Growing...

Creating Summer Routines

Let’s face it, summer is the time of year where kids are out of school, vacation mode is turned on and we become notorious for losing track of routines and rituals. Part of this is...

Exploring Equity Grading

As education evolves, so too does the way we assess student performance. One such evolution is equity grading, a concept sparking debate among educators and parents alike. What exactly is equity grading, and should it...

Technology Helps Level the Playing Field for Those with Disabilities

As Tom Wlodkowski walked through San Francisco Airport on his way to a conference, people frequently approached him, asking if he needed help. Blind since birth and using a cane, he continued navigating the complex...

Breastfeeding Support for All

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. World Breastfeeding Week is August 1-7, with the theme, Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All. Mark your calendars now, to participate in upcoming activities next month. Recognition for...

The Anger Wheel of Choice

Another great Positive Discipline tool to keep in your parenting “toolbox” is the Anger Wheel of Choice. The book Sophia’s Anger Wheel is a wonderful story to help teach kids about appropriate ways of expressing...

Kids and Allowance

Learning a new skill takes practice. For instance, if you want to teach a child how to ride a bike, they will need a bike to practice on. The same is true of money skills...

Festival Brings People Together for Fun and Worship

Simon Cassar was praying in the middle of the night four years ago when he had an inspiration.“What is true love?” he wondered. “Can we show that true love amongst ourselves? How do we show...

Secrets to Building Relationships with Your Grandchildren

Being a grandparent is a unique and precious role. It’s a chance to influence young lives, share wisdom, and create lasting memories. As grandparents, we have the opportunity to connect with our grandchildren on a...

Making the Most of Summer Schedules

Dear Yesenia,My four and seven year old are so excited that school is out for the summer. I’m also glad to have a break from the daily school schedule. However, I work full-time, so my...

Hiking at Arana Gulch

Feeling stress in our Santa Cruz paradise? Is your apartment so small that when you bend over in your bedroom you turn on your kitchen stove with your ass? Philosopher Frederick Gros says, “the body...