Jane McKenzie
57 years Surfing

Tell us about an intense or fun surfing memory
There are so many with the amount of years I have been in the water. Now it is enjoying the next generation of surfers and trying to help them understand respect for themselves, other surfers, the ocean and environment and not to be entitled or reckless. Every time I surf there is another funny story or adventure!
What is your occupation
Financial advisor for individuals, family’s and small business owners
Do you have any significant community involvement?
Santa Cruz Longboard Union, President ; Stewardship Council Santa Cruz World Surfing Reserve; Board Member Santa Cruz Surfing Club Preservation Society, Ride-A-Wave lifetime volunteer
Tell us something unique about you as a mother who surfs with/without your kiddos
I don’t think it is unique but I am so proud of my son and how he has become a well mannered and respected waterman. He has a unique style and is a good athlete. I get to have a great time with him when we are both in the water together.
What is your most memorable surf moment with your kids?
: When we get to go on surf trips or local camping surf trips and simply spend time together with friends. Many times on these trips I will notice a quantum leap in his skill set or introducing him to new and different things. Now, the tables have turned and he is introducing me to new things.
What are some challenges of surfing related to motherhood?
I prefer “parenthood” and the only challenge I have allowed my self is time in the day to surf. Running a business, maintaining a household takes time and sometimes flexibility to surf during the right tide or swell pattern does not always work. Still, happy problems to have !