Mei-Li Restani
2 years Surfing

Tell us about an intense or fun surfing memory
I went on a surf retreat in Morocco which is essentially where I learned to surf. The first day we went out into the water I was a bit overwhelmed, to say the least. Magic Bay is located in a small fishing village in Imsouane, Morocco and it opens up to one of the world’s largest breaks. The paddle out was intense and my arms started to burn immediately. I honestly did not know how I was going to get through this surf session and was worried that I was a lost cause. Lucky for me, I was with a really supportive group of awesome women! I specifically remember one of the instructions, Michelle, pushing me into my first “green wave” and all I could feel was pure bliss and excitement. I knew I was going to have to put in the work, but it would be well worth it!
What is your occupation
Dietitian and Photographer
Tell us something unique about you as a mother who surfs with/without your kiddos
Motherhood has definitely changed the way I see myself. Since having kids, one of my priorities is making sure that they know it’s okay to want something really badly, and not always be good at it. That sometimes we fail over and over again and that even the smallest success or “win” can make it all worth it. I really just enjoy having fun with my kids, and I don’t consider myself good at surfing, but I love it so so much and it’s important for them to see that I fall, make mistakes, and still have loads of fun!
What is your most memorable surf moment with your kids?
I remember one specific time that my daughter wanted me to take her out to surf. We paddled out on the same board and when I got ready to get off the board to help push her into some waves, she told me to stop and admitted that she just wanted to sit on the board with me and hang out. I just found this to be one of the sweetest moments because it isn’t often I get one-on-one time with her. We laughed a lot and enjoyed being in the moment.
What are some challenges of surfing related to motherhood?
Time! It’s always about finding the time within the daily schedule where I can carve out a solid surf sesh.