Letter from the Editors: June 2019
Dear Readers,
Game of Thrones is over and Summer is Coming. That opens up a whole world of possibilities that don’t include dragons or beheadings.
We’ve got some new features that should make Santa Cruz brighter for you.

Check out our new Talking Pets column where a veterinarian will answer your questions and help make life better for your animals. Nichole Brooks’ first topic, timely and important is…ugh, gross…ticks. It has what you need to know.
Next up is a new regular feature by Kris Holden, who specializes in healthy eating for kids, with recipes that will make good eating also fun eating.
On the dark side, bicycle columnist Karen Kefauver experienced the worst frustration for urban bikers—her front wheel was stolen while she was at a fun event. As any cyclist, or theft victim knows, it’s such a personal violation to have your beloved means of transport tampered with or taken. Karen has a list of tips so it won’t happen to you.
Father’s Day is coming up and columnist Laura Maxson has some great advice for new fathers. Then there’s award-winning journalist John Glionna, formerly with the Los Angeles Times, who made a tough choice never to have children. Read about his thoughts and whether he has regrets about a decision that most people reading this did not make. These are all great reads.
We are hugely proud and hopeful that comedian DNA’s new downtown club will be a giant hit. How could it not? He’s got comedy shows, workshops for kids and two movie theaters’ worth of space for events. He’s put on a gathering of photographers showing their work on a big screen and a lecture by local judges about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We’ve got an interview with DNA inside. Last month the club had a comedy contest for the best young, student comedians and he’s brought in adult jokesters for their parents. What a place for great live entertainment!
We are excited about our own contests coming up. Submit a photo of your pet and a kid, or just a pet and you could have it displayed on the cover of July’s Growing Up in Santa Cruz and win tickets to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (details on page 25). We’ll display the entries on our Facebook page and have you vote for them. In October, we’ll do the same for our cutest baby contest, which was a big hit last year.
Every month we feature a guide that stays online at our website all year long. This month’s is an important collection of services for people with special needs. Next month, we will cover Pets and Parties, with services for both.
Meanwhile, schools out, it’s time for dads and grads and a start to the most fun season.
Thanks for reading.