Growing Up in Santa Cruz

June 2021

GUiSC accepts listings for family-oriented events that are free or cost less than $10, to be considered in the monthly calendar of events. Events costing more than $10 for non-profit organizations or benefits will also be considered. GUiSC does not guarantee that a submitted event will be included in the calendar. The calendar editors will select calendar entries and photos.

Photos for the calendar may be submitted by email. Digital images must be high resolution, 200-300dpi.

Calendar Deadline: 15th of the month prior to publication. (i.e. June 15 for July issue)

Ocean Film Festival World Tour – Santa Cruz Month of June Virtual Screening at the Rio Theatre – in person screening to be announced. Evade border closures and quench your thirst for international travel at the 2021 Ocean Film Festival World Tour. A portion of tickets sales benefits Save our Shores Locally sponsored by, Chardonnay Sailing Charters, Patagonia Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Waves, Event Santa Cruz and Save our Shores

Tuesday 1
Tumble on Tuesdays at JuneBug’s Gym 12-2:00pm To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (gym closed 6/20-7/4)

Dungeons & Dragons Tuesdays Attention 12-16yr olds — Adventure awaits! A friendly introduction to Dungeons & Dragons for players of all experience levels, led by an experienced player. Held every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30pm. Our Campaign lasts from May 4th to August 31st. Form a party, hunt for ancient treasures, and use your wits, magic, or brute force to battle kobolds, dragons, and more. Dungeons & Dragons is a game of adventure, imagination and near-limitless possibilities. If you’ve been curious but unsure how to start, it’s time to roll the dice and join this campaign. An experienced D&Der will guide you, and all the necessary materials & manuals will be provided.

Virtual Zoom Toddler Time by Julie 10:30 – 11 am Tuesdays Toddler Time is a weekly early literacy program for families with children ages 0-3 years old. Music, movement, stories, fingerplays, rhymes, and songs are a fun way for your child to learn. Register here: Let’s play and learn together!

World Reef Awareness Day

Wednesday 2
Taller Virtual de Triple P: Tareas domesticas miércoles, el 2 de junio, 2021, 5:30 – 7 pm Los talleres de Triple P ofrecen consejos prácticos y estrategias para manejar las preguntas y desafíos de crianza específicas. Asista a este taller virtual de crianza para para familias con niños (0 – 12 años) para aprender: Herramientas para ayudarle a introducir a su niño/a a los quehaceres de la casa; Cómo hacer que las tareas de la casa sean menos estresantes para usted y para su niño/a; Maneras de animar a su niño/a a hacer tareas de la casa. Presentado en español por Zoom por: Gladys Gómez, Puentes de la Comunidad – La Manzana Recursos Comunitarios Inscríbase para conseguir el enlace de la reunión por Zoom: ¿Tiene preguntas? Comuníquese con Gladys Gómez al (831) 724-2997 x220 o

Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

Rockin’ Pop-Up: The Ocean Floor Wednesday, June 2 | 3-3:30 p.m. Learn about the geology of the ocean floor with Gavin and Graham, otherwise known as “The Geology Gents.” Watch live on Facebook. Learn more:

Global Running Day

Thursday 3
You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.

Grey Bears Brown Bag Line If you are able-bodied and love to work FAST, this is for you! Grey Bears could use more help with their brown bag production line on Thursday and Friday mornings. As a token of our thanks, we make you breakfast (be there at 7am!) and give you a bag of food if wanted. Be at the warehouse with mask and gloves at 7am, and we will put you to work until at least 9am! Fun group, we all love working here! Call ahead if you would like to know more.

LUNAFEST® is a series of short films by and about women. This showing will benefit WomenCARE Santa Cruz, and proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorships go directly to them. WomenCARE provides a safe haven where women with any type of cancer find mutual support, shared experiences, and open hearts.

Ocean Alternative School Virtual Open House on June 3 from 5 to 6 pm. Home-Based Independent Study & Ocean Online 831.475.0767 Details on website

Grupo Breve Virtual de Triple P: Prevención y manejo de la desobediencia Cada jueves del 3 al 24 de junio, 2021, 4:30 – 6 pm Asista por 4 semanas a este grupo virtual de Triple P para conocer a otras familias con niños (2 – 12 años) y aprender estrategias sencillas que le ayudaran a: Por qué los niños podrían ser poco cooperativos o negarse a seguir instrucciones; Maneras positivas para enseñarle a su niño a aceptar los límites y a cooperar con usted; Cómo responder con calma y consistentemente cuando su hijo se niega a seguir las instrucciones. Presentado en español por Zoom por: Liliana Zamora – Puentes de la Comunidad, La Manzana Recursos Comunitarios Inscríbase para conseguir la información para participar en este grupo breve por Zoom: ¿Necesita ayuda? Comuníquese con Liliana Zamora al (831) 724-2997 x212 o

Friday 4
Fun “N Tumble on Fridays at JuneBug’s Gym: 12:15-3:15pm To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (gym closed 6/29-7/4)

You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.

LUNAFEST® is a series of short films by and about women. This showing will benefit WomenCARE Santa Cruz, and proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorships go directly to them. See June 3

National Hug Your Cat Day

Saturday 5
Saturday Open Gym at JuneBug’s Gym 9-12:00 To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (Gym closed 6/29-7/4)

KEEP ON TRUCKIN’, powered by Tandy Beal and Company and a lot of great friends, presents exceptional artists in free 15-minute mini-shows on a flatbed truck, outside. Knowing that everyone is a bit stressed, we are offering this taste of music and circus to uplift our neighborhoods. Keep each other safe–Wear your masks and keep your distances social, otherwise the truck will need to move on. Each stop on our Truckin’ Tour will be a 20-Minute Performance

LUNAFEST® is a series of short films by and about women. This showing will benefit WomenCARE Santa Cruz, and proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorships go directly to them. See June 3

Boulder Creek Community Relief 2pm- 5pm Davenport: Pacific Elementary Non-profit Fire Relief, Music, Community Building, Meals

Sunday 6
Family Sangha Monthly Meditation 10:30 am – Noon Come help create a family meditation cooperative community! Parents will meet in the main room for about 40 minutes of silent meditation, followed by 10-15 minutes of discussion about life and mindful parenting. Kids will be in a separate volunteer-led room, playing and exploring mindfulness through games and stories. Parents may need to help with the kids for a portion of the hour, depending on volunteer turnout. All ages of children are welcome. Please bring toys to share. Quiet babies are welcome in the parents’ room. Donations (dana) are encouraged; there is no fee for the event.

Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve Tours 10:30 am Younger Lagoon Reserve is now offering a virtual tour in both English and Spanish. This virtual tour follows the same stops as the Seymour Marine Discovery Center’s docent-led, in-person hiking tour, and is led by a UC Santa Cruz student! Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve tours are free and open to the public. Access the tours, here:

Westside Marketplace 11 am – 4 pm Shop Local at the NEW Westside Marketplace! 1st Sundays at the Wrigley! Featuring LOCAL art, handmade and vintage shopping + Food trucks and pop-ups … all outdoors at the Old Wrigley Parking Lot on Mission. FREE admission! Friendly leashed pups are welcome!

D-Day Honors the brave men and women who fought a strategically planned and well-executed battle that ultimately led to the end of the Second World War. More than 75 years after the end of World War II, these memories remain fresh to the over 300,000 living U.S. veterans of the war. The rest of us look to their legacy and the rich history of events told through museums and memorials.

National Cancer Survivors Day

Monday 7
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Tuesday 8
RedBall Project Discover, track down, and pose alongside the 15 foot inflatable structure by artist Kurt Perschke as it pops up daily in different locales throughout Santa Cruz County. Perschke’s RedBall Project is a sculptural installation traveling around the globe, adopting cities as its canvas. Through a mixture of vision and wit, the RedBall squeezes between buildings and is hoisted above bridges finding those mundane, overlooked places and filling them with possibility.

Grab and Go STEAM: Make your own mini flashlight! Grab and Go STEAM: Make your own mini flashlight! We provide the materials and directions – you pick them up and make them at home! Light up the dark with this simple flashlight while illuminating the very basics of electric circuits. Also a great introduction to measurement!

Virtual Zoom Toddler Time by Julie 10:30 – 11 am Tuesdays Toddler Time is a weekly early literacy program for families with children ages 0-3 years old. See June 1

Dungeons & Dragons Tuesdays Attention 12-16yr olds — Adventure awaits! A friendly introduction to Dungeons & Dragons for players of all experience levels, led by an experienced player. Held every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30pm. See June 1
World Oceans Day The Ocean Project has coordinated the June 8 World Oceans Day for the past 17 years. It’s a crucial environmental issue. We get both foods and medicines from the deep blue, and it helps to keep the climate in check.

National Best Friends Day Today’s the day to enjoy a little one-on-one time with the people who never fail to catch us when we fall.

Wednesday 9
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

RedBall Project See June 8

Triple P Virtual Workshop: Going shopping with your child 3-4:30 pm Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with children (0 – 12 years old) to learn: Why shopping trips can be hard for children; Tips to making shopping trips less stressful and more enjoyable; Tips for handling challenges during shopping trips. Presented in English on Zoom by: Liliana Zamora – Community Bridges, La Manzana Community Resources Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Got questions? Contact Liliana Zamora at (831) 724-2997 x212 or

Thursday 10
RedBall Project See June 8

You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.

Grey Bears Brown Bag Line If you are able-bodied and love to work FAST, this is for you! Grey Bears could use more help with their brown bag production line on Thursday and Friday mornings. As a token of our thanks, we make you breakfast (be there at 7am!) and give you a bag of food if wanted. Be at the warehouse with mask and gloves at 7am, and we will put you to work until at least 9am! Fun group, we all love working here! Call ahead if you would like to know more.

Ocean Alternative School Virtual Open House from 5 to 6 pm. Home-Based Independent Study & Ocean Online 831.475.0767 Details on website

Friday 11
Fun “N Tumble on Fridays at JuneBug’s Gym: 12:15-3:15pm To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (gym closed 6/29-7/4)

RedBall Project See June 8

You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.

Saturday 12
Boulder Creek Community Relief 2pm- 5pm Boulder Creek: Bear Creek Non-profit Fire Relief, Music, Community Building, Meals

Saturday Open Gym at JuneBug’s Gym 9-12:00 To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. See June 5

RedBall Project See June 8

KEEP ON TRUCKIN’, powered by Tandy Beal and Company and a lot of great friends, presents exceptional artists in free 15-minute mini-shows on a flatbed truck, outside. Knowing that everyone is a bit stressed, we are offering this taste of music and circus to uplift our neighborhoods. Keep each other safe–Wear your masks and keep your distances social, otherwise the truck will need to move on. Each stop on our Truckin’ Tour will be a 20-Minute Performance

Out and About: Nature Hike at Pogonip 10 a.m. to noon It’s time to get out and about! Join the Museum of Natural History for a guided nature adventure through the habitats of Pogonip Open Space in the City of Santa Cruz. This is a family-friendly, small-group gathering. Learn more and register:

National Loving Day The holiday is, of course, about spreading love but, ironically, it also references the names of Mildred and Richard Loving, who fought against the laws confining them and everyone else from marrying interracially.

Second Saturdays on the Deck Live music on the Felton Heritage Deck every second Saturday through October. Presented by Downtown Felton and the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Bluegrass, Old Time, Americana, Singer-songwriter acoustic music.

Sunday 13
RedBall Project See June 8

Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve Tours 10:30 am Younger Lagoon Reserve is now offering a virtual tour in both English and Spanish. This virtual tour follows the same stops as the Seymour Marine Discovery Center’s docent-led, in-person hiking tour, and is led by a UC Santa Cruz student! Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve tours are free and open to the public. Access the tours, here:

KEEP ON TRUCKIN’, powered by Tandy Beal and Company and a lot of great friends, presents exceptional artists in free 15-minute mini-shows on a flatbed truck, outside. Knowing that everyone is a bit stressed, we are offering this taste of music and circus to uplift our neighborhoods. Keep each other safe–Wear your masks and keep your distances social, otherwise the truck will need to move on. Each stop on our Truckin’ Tour will be a 20-Minute Performance

National Sewing Machine Day

Monday 14
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

World Blood Donor Day

Tuesday 15
Virtual Zoom Toddler Time by Julie 10:30 – 11 am Tuesdays Toddler Time is a weekly early literacy program for families with children ages 0-3 years old. See June 1

Dungeons & Dragons Tuesdays Attention 12-16yr olds — Adventure awaits! A friendly introduction to Dungeons & Dragons for players of all experience levels, led by an experienced player. Held every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30pm. See June 1
Triple P Virtual Workshop: Traveling in the car 10:30 – 12 pm Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with children (0 – 12 years old) to learn: Common reasons why traveling in the car can be hard for children; Positive parenting strategies to prevent problems before they occur; Tips for handling challenging behaviors while traveling in the car. Presented in English on Zoom by: Cori Burt, Community Bridges – Mountain Community Resources Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Got questions? Contact Cori Burt at (831) 335-6600 ext 6605 or

Wednesday 16
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. For babies crawling to early walkers. See June 2

Taller Virtual de Triple P: Ir de compras con su niño/a miércoles, el 16 de junio, 2021, 3 – 4:30 pm Los talleres de Triple P ofrecen consejos prácticos y estrategias para manejar las preguntas y desafíos de crianza específicas. Asista a este taller virtual de crianza para para familias con niños (0 – 12 años) para aprender: Las razones más comunes por qué ir de compras puede ser difícil para los niños; Cómo preparar a su hijo o hija para un viaje de compras con éxito; Otros consejos para ayudar a hacer viajes de compras agradable para usted y sus niños. Presentado en español por Zoom por: Liliana Zamora – Puentes de la Comunidad, La Manzana Recursos Comunitarios Inscríbase para conseguir el enlace de la reunión por Zoom : ¿Necesita ayuda? Comuníquese con Liliana Zamora al (831) 724-2997 x212 o

Thursday 17
You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.

Grey Bears Brown Bag Line If you are able-bodied and love to work FAST, this is for you! Grey Bears could use more help with their brown bag production line on Thursday and Friday mornings. As a token of our thanks, we make you breakfast (be there at 7am!) and give you a bag of food if wanted. Be at the warehouse with mask and gloves at 7am, and we will put you to work until at least 9am! Fun group, we all love working here! Call ahead if you would like to know more.

Friday 18
Fun “N Tumble on Fridays at JuneBug’s Gym: 12:15-3:15pm o guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (gym closed 6/29-7/4)

You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends.

International Picnic Day

National Go Fishing Day

Saturday 19
Boulder Creek Community Relief 2pm- 5pm Bonny Doon Elementary Non-profit Fire Relief, Music, Community Building, Meals

Saturday Open Gym at JuneBug’s Gym 9-12:00 To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (Gym closed 6/29-7/4)

Downtown Santa Cruz Makers Market 10am – 5pm Come on out and support local makers and artists at the Downtown Santa Cruz Makers Market every THIRD Sunday of the month on Pacific Ave at Lincoln St! 10am-5pm We are now on the 1100 block of Pacific Ave. between Cathcart and Lincoln Streets near New Leaf and alongside so many amazing downtown restaurants. Support local and shop small with over 30 Santa Cruz County artists and makers! AND don’t forget to stop in and visit the downtown merchants and grab a bite to eat from the downtown restaurants.

Makers Market: The Art of Nature 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. During this outdoor Makers Market, meet science illustrators featured in the exhibit, The Art of Nature, watch them at work through live demonstrations at their booths, and support their work by going home with prints, stickers, cards, cups, and more! We will also have an illustration station so that you can create your own works of art. Learn more:

Juneteenth The freedom of African Americans from slavery in the U.S. in 1865 is celebrated on the holiday Juneteenth on June 19. Juneteenth is made up of the words ‘June’ and ‘nineteenth,’ and it is on this day that Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Texas more than 155 years ago to inform slaves that slavery had been abolished.

Sunday 20
Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve Tours 10:30 am Younger Lagoon Reserve is now offering a virtual tour in both English and Spanish. This virtual tour follows the same stops as the Seymour Marine Discovery Center’s docent-led, in-person hiking tour, and is led by a UC Santa Cruz student! Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve tours are free and open to the public. Access the tours, here:

Father’s Day “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.” – Pam Brown

World Refugee Day Most of us know that refugees are forced to leave their homes due to war, terror, or other crises—but fleeing their home country is often just the beginning of a difficult journey. Many refugees find themselves living in camps until they are resettled—some of which are dangerous or not well-equipped for long term living. Refugees don’t always have a say in which country they are ultimately relocated to, and the bureaucratic process involved in finding their new home can take years.

Monday 21
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

Summer Solstice people have celebrated this day for thousands of years. Some of the earliest party animals were the ancient Mesopotamians, Celtic Druids, Chinese, and Egyptians, and all of these cultures had their own ways of celebrating that make even our craziest backyard barbecues look tame.

World Day of Music

Tuesday 22
Tumble on Tuesdays at JuneBug’s Gym 12-2:00pm To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (gym closed 6/20-7/4)
Virtual Zoom Toddler Time by Julie 10:30 – 11 am Tuesdays Toddler Time is a weekly early literacy program for families with children ages 0-3 years old. See June 1

Dungeons & Dragons Tuesdays Attention 12-16yr olds — Adventure awaits! A friendly introduction to Dungeons & Dragons for players of all experience levels, led by an experienced player. Held every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30pm. See June 1

Wednesday 23
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

Triple P Virtual Workshop: Teaching children to do chores 4:30 pm Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with children (0 – 12 years old) to learn: Tools to help you introduce your child to household chores; How to make chores less stressful for you and your child; Ways to encourage your child to do chores. Presented in English on Zoom by: Gladys Community Bridges, La Manzana Community Resources Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Got questions? Contact Gladys at (831) 724-2997 x220 or

Thursday 24
You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri See June 3

Grey Bears Brown Bag Line If you are able-bodied and love to work FAST, this is for you! Grey Bears could use more help with their brown bag production line on Thursday and Friday mornings. As a token of our thanks, we make you breakfast (be there at 7am!) and give you a bag of food if wanted. Be at the warehouse with mask and gloves at 7am, and we will put you to work until at least 9am! Fun group, we all love working here! Call ahead if you would like to know more.

Grupo Breve Virtual de Triple P: Prevención y manejo de la desobediencia Cada jueves del 3 al 24 de junio, 2021, 4:30 – 6 pm Asista por 4 semanas a este grupo virtual de Triple P para conocer a otras familias con niños (2 – 12 años) y aprender estrategias sencillas que le ayudaran a: Por qué los niños podrían ser poco cooperativos o negarse a seguir instrucciones; Maneras positivas para enseñarle a su niño a aceptar los límites y a cooperar con usted; Cómo responder con calma y consistentemente cuando su hijo se niega a seguir las instrucciones. Presentado en español por Zoom por: Liliana Zamora – Puentes de la Comunidad, La Manzana Recursos Comunitarios Inscríbase para conseguir la información para participar en este grupo breve por Zoom: ¿Necesita ayuda? Comuníquese con Liliana Zamora al (831) 724-2997 x212 o

Friday 25
Fun “N Tumble on Fridays at JuneBug’s Gym: 12:15-3:15pm Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. See June 4

You Pick Roses 11 am Every Thurs & Fri See June 3

Saturday 26
Saturday Open Gym at JuneBug’s Gym 9-12:00 To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (Gym closed 6/29-7/4)

Boulder Creek Community Relief 2pm- 5pm Boulder Creek: Bear Creel Non-profit Fire Relief, Music, Community Building, Meals

Sunday 27
Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve Tours 10:30 am Younger Lagoon Reserve is now offering a virtual tour in both English and Spanish. This virtual tour follows the same stops as the Seymour Marine Discovery Center’s docent-led, in-person hiking tour, and is led by a UC Santa Cruz student! Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve tours are free and open to the public. Access the tours, here:

Monday 28
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

Tuesday 29
Tumble on Tuesdays at JuneBug’s Gym 12-2:00pm To guarantee a spot, please call 831-464-2847. Come explore our fun-filled gym in a supervised setting. Zipline, rope swings, trampolines and more! For ages walking-8yr (gym closed 6/20-7/4)

Virtual Zoom Toddler Time by Julie 10:30 – 11 am Tuesdays Toddler Time is a weekly early literacy program for families with children ages 0-3 years old. See June 1

Dungeons & Dragons Tuesdays Attention 12-16yr olds — Adventure awaits! A friendly introduction to Dungeons & Dragons for players of all experience levels, led by an experienced player. Held every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30pm. See June 1

Hug Holiday Hugging is a simple way to express many different types of affection, from friendly, to intimate, to familial. It’s an action largely limited to primates — while we can find instances of other animals in positions that resemble hugging, there aren’t any other species that do it so frequently, and for so many reasons — and so, in many ways, hugging sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Triple P Virtual Workshop: Developing good bedtime routines 5 – 6:30 pm Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this virtual parenting workshop for families with children (0- 12 years old) to learn: Common reasons why children have difficulty going to bed and sleeping through the night; How to create peaceful bedtime routines that work for the whole family; Tips to help children develop healthy sleep habits. Presented in English on Zoom by: Cori Burt, Community Bridges – Mountain Community Resources Register to get the Zoom meeting link: Got questions? Contact Cori Burt at (831) 335-6600 ext 6605 or

Wednesday 30
Baby Happy Hour at JuneBug’s Gym 12:15-1:15 every Monday and Wednesday. Come play, socialize and have a fun time exploring and moving with your little one. For babies crawling to early walkers. Call 831-464-2847 to reserve a spot in class. 3910 Portola Dr. Ste 2 & 3/ Pleasure Point

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