Growing Up in Santa Cruz

brad kava growing up in santa cruz
August 2019

Letter from the Editors August 2019

Dear readers,

Talk about being pulled in two directions. August is really the cruelest month.

On one hand we are still in the giddiness of summer, hitting the beach, going to camps, taking those last minute trips. On the other, we are in the grips of back to school seriousness. Some Santa Cruz schools start before Labor Day; others, after.

So, we have two back to school issues, for August and September. This month, we still have some fun and important summer stories.

Miss Placed has a new column helping you get organized for the last days of summer and for next summer as well. Erik Chalhoub looks at the good and bad of Theme Park food. Sure it always tastes great as a guilty pleasure, but now some parks have found ways to take away the guilt.

To GMO or not to GMO, that is the question answered by Kris Holden, in a must-read family article.

Speaking of MUST READ, Karen Kefauver got off her bike and took a trip to the dump, uh, recycling center, and got down and dirty with what you need to know about staying green while you get rid of your trash. It’s so important for all of us trying to be better global citizens.

No family with teens should miss Mary Gaukel’s guide to career pathways for your kids. There is no better guide to teens’ futures anywhere. Don’t miss her important column here.

There are so many other great stories this issue, including legal advice for divorced parents, advice on keeping flea free, help with getting kids back to school and making sure kids play, play, play.

Please let us know what you like and would like to see in future issues.

Contact us at and share your opinions.

Thanks for reading.

Brad Kava
Jennifer Ford

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