The Vive Oaxaca Guelaguetza is an authentic cultural festival with food, music, dance, and crafts presented each spring by Senderos. This local festival is like the traditional fiestas celebrated each summer in Oaxaca, Mexico. Guelaguetza is a Zapotec word that means “a commitment of sharing and cooperation.” Guelaguetza is a celebration that honors the gods for sufficient rainfall and a bountiful harvest.
Come one come all! Come play, create, eat delicious food, enjoy the May Pole music and dance, and have fun amongst the flowers and soak up father suns warms rays! Our Early Childhood department will be offering a puppet show that is not to miss and there will be lots of magic and activities to discover all about our redwood nestled campus. Bring your family and friends! VERY Limited on campus parking for $15 FREE shuttle at UCSC Barn at Bay and High Streets. May Pole Dance at 12pm 7th Grade is offering delicious food for purchase. All Santa Cruz Waldorf Events are Zero Waste. Please bring your own cups, plates, cutlery and napkins. Our Zero Waste wash station will make sure you go home with clean dishes.