We asked you to send us your favorite places to bring your kids and to do special things with your families…and man, did you ever respond. We got so many great suggestions that we will make this an annual feature and next year, we’ll add in some of our favorites (although we do that every issue and on our website, growingupsc.com) Thanks to everyone who nominated and voted. Some of these businesses didn’t submit nominations and didn’t even know they had won. That really shows us and them that you cared enough to let all of our readers know the places you love most. Thanks for helping out! the editors…
July Winners
Grace | Age 7.5 Noah| Age 4 Henry | Age 6.5 Ioela Isala Johnie | Age 5 Koji Honda | Age 6 Luna | Age 5 Nevaeh | Age 10 Noah | Age 4 Oliver | Age 6 Owen | Age 6 Weylyn | Age 6 Find More Coloring Pages
Fourth of July Submit your coloring page for a chance to be in our paper Editor@growingupsc.com More Coloring Pages
Real Estate
Is the Santa Cruz Real Estate Market Toast? By Seb Frey What a difference a few months makes! It was just this past March when I wrote an article for Growing Up in Santa Cruz asking if the Santa Cruz real estate market was boiling over. As I write this in June, nobody’s asking that question anymore. Instead, everyone seems to be asking if the market is headed for some kind of crash. And that’s a fair question, because anecdotally and numerically, it’s apparent that the Santa Cruz County real estate market – and every market across the country that I’m aware of – has hit the brakes. Whether it…
Wildfire Season
5 Easy Steps to Prepare For Wildfires by Susan Tatsui-D’Arcy Children, and adults, are anxious about the negative effects of wildfires and climate-related disasters. The uncertainty of when they will strike and the restrictions it puts on after-school activities, family vacations, and even on-site classes are taking its toll on all of us. I recently hosted the North Rodeo Gulch Firewise event to encourage residents to take action to mitigate wildfires. With over 17 expert speakers from Supervisor Manu Koenig to Central Fire’s top brass to SC County Sheriff to ARES (ham radio), they addressed concerns and offered excellent tips on how to navigate the upcoming fire season. My daughter,…
Community Loss
Help Save Watsonville Community Hospital Not only is it the place most babies are born, but it provides invaluable emergency services countywide. By TONY NUÑEZ When news broke late last year that Watsonville Community Hospital was facing imminent closure there was a panic among people that understood what the loss of the 106-bed acute care facility would mean for local health care. Quickly, a coalition of public entities and nonprofits—now known as the Pajaro Valley Healthcare District Project—formed to purchase the hospital and stave off what would have been a catastrophe for the Central Coast. The hospital employs 620 people and has a medical staff of over two hundred physicians.…
Healthy Lamaze
Six Healthy Birth Practices by Laura Maxson LM Parents looking to develop a birth plan can often feel a little bit lost, wondering where to start, and what do I want? Lamaze International’s Six Healthy Birth Practices is a great place to start. Lamaze has a rich history of supporting parents in childbirth since the 1960’s. The Lamaze website provides parents with vital information including the Giving Birth with Confidence blog, videos, and many articles about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices Let labor begin on its own. Walk, move around, and change positions throughout labor. Bring a loved one, friend, or doula for continuous support. Avoid interventions…
LGBTQ+ Booklist
Task Force Releases LGBTQ+ Booklist for School Libraries by Santa cruz county BOARD OF EDUCATION A task force convened by the Santa Cruz County Office of Education has released a booklist called the “Top 40 LGBTQ+ Books that Every School Library Should Have,” a project undertaken as part of a commitment to safety and inclusiveness for LGBTQ+ students The final list of 40 books includes fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, anthologies and picture books. Ten titles were selected for each of the gradespans of PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. “When students see themselves reflected back in culture, curriculum, and media they are empowered to work harder and dream bigger,” said Santa…
Letter From Managing Editor
You Are Not Alone A Letter From the Art Director|Managing Editor by christy Shults It’s like screaming and fighting in a dream, but you have no voice, and your flailing arms have no force. I’m helpless; I have no control.. The day the paper was to be sent to the printer was also the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade and gave guns more rights than women in one fell swoop. I cried for my daughters, nieces, and every other person born with a uterus—the day consumed by anger, frustration, fear, sadness, and discouragement. A numbness fell over me between the tears and commiserating with female friends. What…
History in the Making
Students Witness Supreme Court History by Grace Timan Being too young to vote, and old enough to be affected by a policy puts you in an interesting position. At this in-between age, it can feel helpless at times. Throughout my teenage years, one thing that has characterized my interests is a passion to fight for what I believe in, in any capacity possible. As I move through life I am learning what exactly this means for my life and how to get involved in a productive manner. When I found out about the recent leak of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, I was on a school…
Scary World
Helping Children Cope With Traumatic Events by Nicole M. Young, MSW This month’s article is a re-run, partly because I’m on vacation, but mostly because the topic is still very relevant. According to the Gun Violence Archive — which defines a mass shooting as four or more people (not including the attacker) shot or killed in a single incident —there were at least 230 mass shootings in the US between January 1 and May 30, 2022. The shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas was the 213th incident, which means 17 (!) more mass shootings occurred in the week after that. We may have different beliefs about the problem…
Community Kindness
Editor’s Note By Brad kAva You want to make America great again? How about focusing on kindness? I know, it sounds hippy dippy cliché, but when people put aside business as usual and do great things for each other the world really becomes a better place. It happened to me last week.My engine lights were flashing and the warning signals looked like a missile was pointed at the Starship Enterprise. “Oil pressure low,” it blared. Luckily, I was near the Valvoline in Watsonville, by Target. I coasted in, thinking I just needed an oil change, but no, the oil had all leaked out and even a mechanical dolt like me…