October 2024

Why Neighbors Matter for Your Self-Care Routine


In the wise words of Fred Rogers, “I’ve always wanted a neighbor like you,” something our entire world needs most right now.

In this column, I am sharing one of the most vital elements of self-care and it relates to COMMUNITY. The people we are around. The social relationships we have, impact our lives in a massive way. With election around the corner, I couldn’t help but write about a personal encounter with one of the candidates in our very own community, that has shown me the VALUE of neighborhood and reminds me of Mr. Rogers himself.

As a kid, I loved watching Mr. Rogers – his kindness, empathy, ability to address difficult conversations and educate myself and others on ways that we can show up in the world as a KIND human. Something I believe the world needs more of.

The neighbors in Capitola have all been so sweet – and one in particular: Gerry Jensen. Gerry is someone who raises the bar of what it means to be a high quality neighbor. I met Gerry years ago and he is always the guy who goes out of his way to check in. To see if anyone needs a helping hand… and I am about to share some of the ways he has impacted my life. He is always the person in the neighborhood helping others, and supporting all of the local business’s. He is so hands on in the community and it has a ripple effect.

A while back, I was home and heard a loud bang at around 3am, my daughter was sleeping and we were alone. I nearly jumped out of bed and was afraid of what it could be. Guess who came to make sure all was safe? Gerry did… when I forgot to close the gate and worried our dog would get out… thanks to Gerry… I could go on and on and I know he does this for the whole neighborhood

He started a non profit all about random acts of kindness and this is how he shows up everyday.

He helped to fix our fence when it started to pull from the ground, there have been a number of ways he has shown up and helped, he is the guy who is constantly lending a hand. He’s this way with EVERYONE I’ve ever seen him interact with. A real STAND UP human… like Mr. Rogers.

He and his lovely wife, Heather, are a superstar couple who I recently learned met when they were both single parents. They worked super hard to get to where they are today and endured many challenges along the way.

They have four daughters combined together and are the type of family who showcases the real American dream, and LOVE. Gerry is the dad who made every cheer, sporting event and also helps to raise his grandkids.

They are kind, generous and one of his daughters Genny even became our neighborhood sitter/mom helper. Once again, part of this community self-care and support. Reminding us that It takes a village…

This family is one that I believe our community, and our world can learn from. Even the simple things like eating a meal together is a lost family connection in our busy world today. I decided to write this article about Gerry because he is an exemplary parent in our community and I hope to see him on Capitola City council.

Regardless of your personal political views, one thing I am certain we can all agree on is this world would benefit from more kindness and love. Like the ocean in our town, each of us have a ripple effect as we walk through this earth and change starts within our community.

I am thankful for the parents in this community like Gerry Jensen. To learn more about him you can go gerry4capitola.com

Most of all I encourage you to go and meet your neighbors, see how you can get involved in the community and remember that our kids learn by how we show up, not by what we tell them to do…How will you show up for your neighbors this month? Send me your favorite ways to support the community to jaimemcfaden.com