• September 2021

    Six Minute Abs

    Six Minute Abs By Thomas Wynn As one of our greatest philosophers, Alecia Beth Moor*, once said, “I’m coming out, so we’d better get this party started.” Let’s say in the last month you overcame the myriad distractions, of family, work, the Olympics and social media. You flossed every day, did morning yoga, after work cardio and managed to organize your finances. It could happen. In this fantasy world you now have a family budget. In Santa Cruz, the most likely outcome is that after expenses, there is precious little left over for savings. I can’t really change the reality of the high cost of living in Santa Cruz combined…

  • August 2021

    Financial Fitness

    Family Finance You’re Never Too Busy to Save by Thomas Wynn As Mick Jagger once said, “Please allow me to introduce myself.”  My name is Thomas Wynn and I’m the CEO of Wynn Capital Management, a registered investment advisor.   This is the first of what I hope to be an ongoing conversation about managing a family’s finances.  The topics we’ll cover will be guided by questions and feedback from readers.   I’ll also touch on seasonal financial issues and topics that are in the news.  I’m hoping to make the complex and intimidating world of finance a little less confusing and hopefully, a little less boring.   To find out where…