Masterclass Gets an “A+”

Here’s something I never thought I’d see. The CEO of Master Class, a San Francisco company I took an online class from, sent out a hand written note suggesting other classes.
Hand written!!! There are those who think millennials can’t even write by hand. Hell, I can barely hand write anymore. It certainly endeared me to this company.
I took a Master Class in photography from Annie Leibovitz, one of my favorite shooters. It was OK, but frankly, I learn better in person. The company gets some big names, as you can see in the letter, including Tom Morello, from the band Rage Against the Machine, Steve Martin, teaching comedy, Samuel Jackson, teaching acting and Bob Woodward, reporting, to name a few very big names.
Have you ever given a friend or relative a class as a present or received one? What class was it?
Would you consider giving one this season? What would you give or want to get, locally, or online?
A great class can change someone’s life and would be an excellent present.
Tell us your stories and give us your suggestions for an article.
–Brad Kava–