Local Teens Educate, Fundraise and Donate
Local high school student, Mikayla Shults, founded Happy Giving Hands when she was nine and left in the dust after a short time. She raised money to make “blessing bags” for homeless people in Santa Cruz. These bags included necessities like deodorant and toothpaste/toothbrushes. Now Happy Giving Hands will be the following:
- open to all schools in Santa Cruz (elementary-high school)
- donate period products and other necessities to menstruators in need
- be a safe place for all genders, races, sexual orientations; HUMANS
- educate youth in our community about periods and period poverty
🩸We are so happy to embark on this new journey where we build from the ground up, knowing everyone has equal opportunities to succeed with Happy Giving Hands.
Their first donation of 5 Period Kits (blankets, pads, water bottles, tissues, and socks) + 54 tampons + 14 disposable discs were dropped off at Mountain Community Resources in Felton on July 2.
1 in 4 menstruators cannot afford period products every month. This lack of access to such a basic human need is called period poverty. Happy Giving Hands, lead by youth from SLVHS, provides pads and tampons for menstruators in need in Santa Cruz. Our goal is to create period justice by serving our communities with period products & educating both children and adults about period poverty. You have likely been in a meeting, on a bus, or friends with someone who was using cardboard or toilet paper as a pad. And if you are able to buy pads and tampons, there will be a tax, unlike ED meds.
A few key beliefs in our organization make a safe space for everyone. Our first priority is to distribute supplies like pads and tampons, but education plays a massive part in the fight for period justice. When speaking about those who get their periods or those who do not, we use the terms “menstruators” and “non-menstruators.” It’s important to know that not all menstruators are women. Many people get their periods and do not identify as women, female, or feminine. And many people identify as those things and do not get a period. Here at Happy Giving Hands, you are accepted just the way you are.
You can follow them on Instagram @happy.giving.hands or email for more information at happygivinghands.sc@gmail.com