Growing Up in Santa Cruz

March 2024

Disconnect to Reconnect

In a world where mostly everything we do is ONLINE, how are we making space to connect within and with each other in our community.

It is no surprise that the mental health crisis is on the rise. In 2024, San Mateo county declared state of emergency for loneliness – the first county ever to do so. The impacts of isolation from the pandemic in 2020 are still on the rise. Not only is it affecting adults but having a massive negative affect on our children too.

What does this mean for you reading this? How have you been impacted by the pandemic isolation and how has it affected your children? Everything has a ripple affect just like the ocean and if we are unaware or masking – often it can lead to bigger, long term issues. Let’s look at some stats and see how we can increase our social self-care and create healthy boundaries with our devices.

Nearly 20% of children that have been recorded struggling with a mental health issue. That is about 1 in every 5 kids. Throw the high amounts of screen time, video games and social media in the mix and it is no surprise children and adults are getting diagnosed left and right with mental health disorders. The pressure we live under is constant and now stress and anxiety rising.

According to the Kaiser Family foundation, kids 8-18 are spending over 7.5 hours on screens per day. And the reality is much more when you think about how many schools are using screentime now too.

On the flip side to this, the number 1 marker for health and wellness studied over time is our social relationships. When we have high quality social connections, we thrive physically, mentally and emotionally. This starts within ourselves and our home. Then radiates into our community. The first step is taking care of yourself: physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am a huge fan of village style living and creating deep bonds within our community. Creating deep connections and social interactions to increase our health and wellness.

Instead of feeling like there’s no solution, I’ve pulled together some great self-care tips to enhance your social well being and lower screen time which will decrease negative effects

Join a local meet up or group activity ex: Surfing moms, mom walk collective,jugglers in capitola on Tuesday, a meet ups SC. You can find a listing and jump in to meet some new people and start an activity maybe you’ve been wanting to try. Reach out to your local friends and see if someone wants to join you.

Create screen FREE times that you and your family can all stick to. Start small like no screens at dinner table, bathroom or on a walk – once you get used to it you can add more and replace that time with something fun.

Plan a fun meet up with someone you love and spend quality time without screens – take a hike at Nisene or trot around pleasure point. Embrace the beauty in nature with someone and build your bonds.

Spend time getting to know your neighbors – this is such a great way to connect and bring back old traditions where neighbors are friends.

Make a weekly/monthly family plan for outings and create a list of activities you can do together that are without screens – this is also a great way to bond with one another.

Family wellness – this one is HUGE in our house, as a busy mom of two – if i don’t workout WITH my kids, I probably won’t get it done. Good news, you can get a great workout and fresh air at the same time. And bring your furry family members too!

Spark up a conversation at your local coffee shop, restaurant or wherever – so many people are weary of being the first one to say hi, you might surprise yourself by just saying hello to someone could be your new friend!

Come join me for a local meet up – make sure you are on my email list go to and join the newsletter so you can be up to date on my upcoming events!

As you read this, think about other ways you like to practice social self care and get your calendar out to mark some dates 🙂

Another great thing that stems from our social connections is accountability, as a health coach this is number 1 marker of success. When we have healthy connections, we tend to live healthier ourselves.

The first step starts within, take some time to disconnect so you can reconnect. And spread some love around today!

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