October 2024

Celebrating RC Fam’s Connections

Raíces y Cariño/RC Fam and the Mother’s Milk Bank California are excited to announce the grand opening of a long-awaited milk collection site on this side of the hill.

The community is invited to join RC Fam’s second anniversary celebration and the Milk Bank’s Donation Drive on Saturday, Oct 19, from 1-3pm at RC FAM in Watsonville. Families will have an opportunity to learn about the milk bank and how to become a donor. The celebration will also highlight RC Fam’s steady growth in program, collaboration, and services, with a mini-health and family fair for all to enjoy. it will be an opportunity for RC Fam’s partner organizations to connect with one another and community members – and there will be cupcakes!

The Milk Bank provides tested and pasteurized human milk to babies in hospitals and neonatal intensive care units (NICU) statewide, and beyond. The importance of human milk for preemies and other vulnerable babies is reaffirmed with each new study. By hosting the Milk Collection Site, RC Fam is helping to make a strong connection between the local community, the milk bank and ultimately, those many babies in need. Having a local Milk Bank connection will remind healthcare providers and community members alike to help spread the word about how easy it is to become a milk donor.

Raíces y Cariño/RC Fam is committed to equity, inclusion, and wellness for all families and has become a hub where parents/families can connect to amazing support and collaboration from many different organizations. The website, and activities are available in both Spanish and English.

Breast/chestfeeding parents will find Nursing Mothers Counsel on hand with information and support. A monthly, bilingual playgroup welcomes autistic and neurodiverse families of all ages.  RC Fam is a safe and nurturing place for LBGTQIA+ families. The ongoing maternal mental health support group meets weekly. There are classes in yoga, pelvic floor strength building, parenting, mom & baby classes, and fathering support, as well as drop-in, bilingual play time, art experiences and special events – grandparents included!

RC Fam has gradually expanded their programs, in part with the support of the Central Coast Alliance for Health. As a designated Medi-Cal provider location RC Fam is credentialed with Medi-Cal to provide Community Health Services. Their offerings now include community dental health day with Dientes, training and support for Medi-Cal doulas, and many classes and groups that are included in Medi-Cal’s covered care.

The center serves not only the south county of Santa Cruz, but also families of Monterey, and San Benito counties. RC Fam was able to help many families affected by the Pajaro River flooding by providing food and clothing, as well as other resources. They stand ready to serve the community as a partner in all things.

Raíces y Cariño/RC Fam – www.rcfam.com​​

Celebration/Milk Drive – Saturday, Oct 19, from 1-3pm, 1205 Freedom Blvd #3B Watsonville

Mother Milk Bank California – www.camilkbank.org 

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