• October 2024

    Celebrating RC Fam’s Connections

    Raíces y Cariño/RC Fam and the Mother’s Milk Bank California are excited to announce the grand opening of a long-awaited milk collection site on this side of the hill. The community is invited to join RC Fam’s second anniversary celebration and the Milk Bank’s Donation Drive on Saturday, Oct 19, from 1-3pm at RC FAM in Watsonville. Families will have an opportunity to learn about the milk bank and how to become a donor. The celebration will also highlight RC Fam’s steady growth in program, collaboration, and services, with a mini-health and family fair for all to enjoy. it will be an opportunity for RC Fam’s partner organizations to connect…

  • October 2024

    Students Share Their Creative Projects

    Last month, TEDxMeritAcademy hosted an inspiring event featuring seven talented teen speakers who showcased their innovative projects aimed at making a positive impact on the world. This year, the event was hosted at the 418 Project in Santa Cruz. Each young visionary shared their unique ideas, from groundbreaking environmental solutions to cutting-edge technologies and social initiatives. Their presentations captivated the audience, highlighting the power of youth-driven innovation and the potential for these projects to transform communities and industries alike.The event served as a platform for these extraordinary teens to inspire others to think creatively and take action toward meaningful change. Brandon XuThe 2020 Northern Complex Fire destroyed 318, 935 acres…

  • October 2024

    Why Neighbors Matter for Your Self-Care Routine

      In the wise words of Fred Rogers, “I’ve always wanted a neighbor like you,” something our entire world needs most right now. In this column, I am sharing one of the most vital elements of self-care and it relates to COMMUNITY. The people we are around. The social relationships we have, impact our lives in a massive way. With election around the corner, I couldn’t help but write about a personal encounter with one of the candidates in our very own community, that has shown me the VALUE of neighborhood and reminds me of Mr. Rogers himself. As a kid, I loved watching Mr. Rogers – his kindness, empathy,…

  • October 2024

    Building Healthy Sleep Habits

    Isn’t sleep just the best? I definitely love it! As a parent, though, you quickly learn that the blissful slumber you once took for granted becomes a distant memory. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m far more enjoyable after a good night’s rest. Over the years, we’ve created a bedtime routine that’s been helpful. My daughter is only two, so I’m bracing myself for more nighttime wakeups. But even though we’re not quite back to uninterrupted sleep, I enjoy the nights we do get some quality rest and find comfort in knowing I’ve got a few strategies to help us through bedtime. Here’s to embracing the sleep deprivation…

  • October 2024

    What the Kids Are Saying

    My 8-year-old came home last week speaking a new language. No, it wasn’t the Spanish he’s studying on Duolingo. It’s…well, kid speak. It wasn’t just him. I heard him talking to his friends with all these words I didn’t know. I wasn’t meant to know them. I’m a grown up. In a sly bit, TV host John Oliver threw out a couple of them a few weeks ago, claiming that kids would stop using them because he used them. But nope, it didn’t work. They are still out there, mostly popularized by YouTube influencers. I asked Parker to write a dictionary of his lingo for those of us not in…