Head of Ed Department Considering Arming Schools What’s next for your child at school? How about a gun bought by the federal government. Yup, that’s not a joke. Education Czar Betsy DeVos, she of the 10 yachts registered in other countries so she doesn’t have to pay taxes on them, is considering spending $50 million a year on guns and training to protect school yards. You can read about it here in the New York Times. Just wondering, what do you think? Will more guns make schools more or less safe? There are plenty of arguments on both sides. Let our readers know.
Video Game Tutors Wanted
Video Game Tutors Wanted Parents are hiring tutors to help their kids with the video game Fortnite. According to Newsweek Magazine: Fortnite coaches for children and teenagers are being hired for between $10 and $20 an hour through websites such as Gamer Sensei and Bidvine, The Wall Street Journal first reported. With analytics firms showing more than 125 million worldwide players and tournaments offering millions in tournament winnings, some parents are making Fortnite lessons a nightly occurrence in a space formerly reserved for batting practice or piano lessons.Read the story here: https://www.newsweek.com/fortnite-coaches-hire-tutors-parents-gamer-sensei-bidvine-freelance-gamers-1053344 Would you hire a video game tutor for your kids?