Your Gift Giving Organization
By Jhoneé Fillmore
The holiday season is filled with so much love, joy, gratitude and giving. However, the planning of many meaningful gifts, family gatherings, donations and travel can feel a bit overwhelming. Here are some things we can organize during the holiday season to make the time more enjoyable and less chaotic.
Begin thinking of good gifts to give all year long. When spending time with someone that you usually gift during the holidays (or birthday), pay extra attention to what they need, what they have, their style or jot down an item that you have heard in a conversation. People often don’t gift themselves some of the most needed or desired items. The key piece is to write this information down somewhere you will find during gift giving time.
So that everything doesn’t pile up on your plate all at once, create a timeline that is reasonable for you to work with. Decide a date that you want to have your gift lists made by, purchases made by, handmade items completed by, gifts wrapped by and shipped by.
Making precise lists for each person you will be giving gifts to will help you make a clear game plan. This will help you know when you need to begin shopping, shipping and help you plan financially. These lists also allow you to shop thoughtfully. When you allow yourself time to think, shop, make and ship…you are able to give meaningful gifts that may require more time. Rushing may limit your gift giving options.
Keep a log of what each person will be gifted. Make a checkmark next to items that have been purchased. If the item is being shipped to you, jot down that expected date to keep track of the item. Once the item has arrived, marked it arrived on your list. Guess what, once you have shipped the gift, mark it on your list. I would personally create a chart to manage these checkmarks. A handwritten chart will do just fine.
As the gifts arrive or you have your handmade gifts completed, keep them in tidy groups. Keep your gifts in categories such as: gifts to be shipped, gifts staying in this house or gifts to take to a certain event.
Wrap your presents as you go so that you don’t have to do a marathon of wrapping. We all have been there.
Avoid the stress of your gifts arriving late to your loved ones. Set a date for yourself in much advance so that not only will your gifts definitely arrive in time but so that you are not in a crunch to stand in a long line at the post office.
Need a more specific suggestion? Email me at [email protected] Happiest holidays and stay well. Best, Jhoneé